Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week 3 Saturday Cereal; Ham Fried Rice, Egg Rolls and Fruity Pebbles Treats

It's Saturday morning of Week Three.

Saturday is the only day of the week I don't cook something for breakfast. I grew up watching Saturday morning cartoons - and cereal goes so well with that! But today the kids and I are catching up on Netflix shows that are premiering their new seasons soon while we cuddle up together with cereal on the couch.

On tonight's menu is ham fried rice and egg rolls. I love fried rice - the combination of warm scrambled egg, soy sauce, ham and peas is serious comfort food. I've made egg rolls from scratch before which are really good but a lot of work. Today, I am just heating up pre-prepared egg rolls and serving them with sweet and sour sauce along with the ham fried rice.

For dessert, Fruity Pebbles Treats are on the menu. These are basically Rice Krispie treats made with Fruity Pebbles instead of Rice Krispies. I love these even better than the Rice Krispie version. Fruity Pebbles are so good alone but paired with buttery melted marshmallows, they make a great, fun and very colorful dessert. 
Ham Fried Rice, Egg Rolls and Fruity Pebbles Treats
 1. Chop onions, carrots, slice green onions and cook rice.
 2. Heat oil in a large frying pan. Add onion and cook until browned. Remove from pan and set aside.
3. Meanwhile, break eggs into a bowl. Add soy sauce and sesame oil, mix well.
4. Add more oil to pan. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and roll pan to let egg coat. Let it cook until puffy. Flip the egg over and cut into pieces until cooked. Remove from pan.
5. Add chopped carrots, peas, ham and cooked onions to pan.     
 6. Cook until warmed and carrots are softened.
7. Add cooked rice and cooked egg into pan.
8. Add soy sauce and sliced green onions. Stir well.
9. Let the flavors meld. ENJOY!   
 1. Put half a cube of butter in a large microwaveable bowl. Melt it in the microwave.
2. Add a package of marshmallows. Cook in the microwave for about a minute. They will hold their shape but get puffy. Stir immediately after taking out of the microwave; stir well to make the melted butter and marshmallow into a creamy uniform mixture.
3. Quickly pour the Fruity Pebbles into the melted marshmallow mixture. Stir well.
4. Spread in a greased 9x13 inch pan. ENJOY! 

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